(Updated November 13th, 2023)
The Infrachain Tezos Challenge powered by Telindus is a coding competition, a so-called hackathon, organized by Infrachain a.s.b.l. for Blockchain and DLT (Digital Ledger Technologies) applications.
These terms and conditions define the rules applicable to the Infrachain Tezos Challenge (the “Terms and Conditions”). By applying to and/or participating in the Infrachain Tezos Challenge, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully. Please read them carefully.(1) Scope and duration
1.1. The Infrachain Tezos Challenge (the “Challenge”) is a coding competition organized by Infrachain a.s.b.l. (“Infrachain”) for developing Blockchain and DLT (Digital Ledger Technologies) applications. Infrachain has selected several partners and sponsors (the “Partners”) to contribute to the organisation of the Challenge.
1.2. The Challenge starts on Tuesday 28th November 2023 and ends on Wednesday 29th November 2023.
1.3. Additional information regarding the Challenge is available at https://challenge.infrachain.com (hereinafter the “Website”) and/or on any other medium chosen by Infrachain.(2) Eligibility
2.1. Teams. The Challenge is open to a maximum of 6 teams (the “Teams”). Each Team must comprise between 3 and 6 applicants (“Applicants”). Teams must have a good knowledge of the Luxembourg socio-economic environment when applying. Teams composed exclusively of employees of a single company are “Company Teams”.
Each team must appoint and authorize one individual (the “Team Captain”) to represent, act, and submit an Entry, on their behalf. The Team Captain will be Infrachain’s point of contact for the Challenge.
2.2. Applicants. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. Applicants can only apply with one single Team and cannot switch Teams.
Employees, directors and agents of Infrachain, as well as any individual connected directly with the production of the Challenge are not eligible to enter.(3) Registration
3.1. Each Team must submit an application to register for the Challenge. Applications have to be done online at the Website. The application period starts on October 11th, 2023 and ends on November 19th, 2023. Infrachain reserves the right to modify these dates and publish new dates on the Website.
3.2. Not applicable.
3.3. Applications must include the following details: - Name of the Team (for Company Teams, this must be the name of the company). - Full name of the Team Captain. - For each Applicant in the team: first name, last name, date of birth, place of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address.
3.4. For an application to be valid, a deposit of 500,- EUR (five hundred euro) has to be made by bank transfer to the following bank account within 5 days of registration and not later than by November 21st, 2023: Account holder: Infrachain a.s.b.l. Account holder address: 5, rue Plaetis, L-2338 Luxembourg Account number: IBAN LU11 0019 5155 1889 2000 BIC: BCEELULL Communication: Infrachain Tezos Challenge 2023 - [NAMES OF THE TEAM & TEAM CAPTAIN]
For each Team, the deposit has to be made by a single bank transfer from a single bank account (the “Team Bank Account”). Deposits consisting of multiple bank transfers are not accepted.
The deposit is reimbursed in the following situations: a) Teams that have not been selected in the selection process as defined in clause 4: the deposit is reimbursed by bank transfer to the Team Bank Account within 5 (five) working days after the selection process. b) Teams that have been selected in the selection process as defined in clause 4: the deposit is reimbursed by bank transfer to the Team Bank Account within 5 (five) working days after the end of the Challenge provided that the Team participates in the Challenge during the whole duration.(4) Selection
4.1. Teams that meet the eligibility criteria are selected on a first come, first served basis. Infrachain will at its sole discretion decide whether a team possesses sufficient knowledge of the Luxembourg socioeconomic environment and thus is eligible.
4.2. Any Applicant who is part of a selected Team becomes a Challenge participant (the “Participant”).
4.3. Infrachain will inform the selected Teams’ Team Captains by e-mail. Infrachain is entitled to publish Teams and the names of the Participants on the Website.
4.4. The selection is not open to objection or appeal.(5) Practical organisation
5.1. The Challenge will take place during the period set out in clause 1. A detailed programme will be communicated to Participants at the start of the Challenge the latest (the “Programme”).
5.2. Each Participant must be physically present during the Challenge.5.3. Each Participant must bring or obtain whatever hardware or software they believe they need to participate in the Challenge (e.g. laptops, phones, etc.). Participants are solely responsible to adequately protect their equipment by means of antivirus software and local firewalls. Participants are exclusively responsible for their equipment and personal belongings during the Challenge. Participants ar encouraged ro arrange for proper insurance of their belongings.
5.4. An open Wifi network is available to Participants. The network may be subject to technical difficulties that may cause slowdowns or render any connection impossible. Infrachain and its Partners cannot be held liable for any trouble in accessing the network. Participants are not allowed to create ad-hoc wired or wireless networks (e.g. WiFi hotspots). Each Participant undertakes to use the Wifi network for the sole purpose of the Challenge and in strict accordance with laws, the highest ethical standards and code of conducts, which namely excludes browsing or accessing the deep/dark web, as well as violent, pornographic or any illegal content.
5.5. Electrical outlets are available to Participants.
5.6. Food and drinks will be provided free of charge to Participants during the Programme.
5.7. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements and for covering all associated costs and expenses in connection with their participation in the Challenge.
5.8. Generally, each Participant takes part in the Challenge at his/her own risk and own expenses.
5.9. The Challenge takes place at: Telindus / Proximus Luxembourg, Z.A. Bourmicht, 18 Rue du Puits Romain, 8070 Bertrange.(6) Projects
6.1. During the Challenge each Team will develop and submit an innovative solution for the Tezos Blockchain that will meet the requirements determined by Infrachain in the Challenge brief (the “Project”). The Challenge brief will be made available to Participants at the start of the Challenge the latest.
6.2. A Project must be conceptually original, non-existent and new and functional. Each Participant represents and warrants that the Team or Team participant rightfully owns the intellectual property rights in relation to the content used and /or submitted or is entitled to use these intellectual property rights in accordance with the applicable licence terms. Each Participant will fully indemnify Infrachain and its directors, employees and Partners against any and all third parties claims for infringement of any intellectual property rights in relation to content that is used or submitted by its Team and/or itself.
6.3. Each Team shall submit the Project (including the source code and accompanying documentation) on GITHub on the date and time announced in the Programme the latest. Submissions after that date, time or contrary to these Terms and Conditions will be disqualified. Submissions need to be in English. Infrachain is not responsible for any lost, delayed, misdirected, incomplete, damaged or undeliverable submissions.(7) Jury and winner selection
7.1. Projects are judged by a jury consisting of representatives of the Partners, complemented by experts in the field of Blockchain or other technology (the ‘Jury’). The Jury is headed by a president (the “Jury President”). Jury members and the Jury President are selected by Infrachain. The selection of the Jury members and the Jury President are at the sole discretion of Infrachain and are irrevocable and not open to objection or appeal.
7.2. Each Team must provide the Jury with a presentation (the “Pitch”) during the time defined in the Programme. The format and duration of the Pitch can be further defined by Infrachain and communicated to Team Captain’s before the start of the Pitch. The Pitch shall be in English.
7.3. The Jury will assess the Projects taking into account the following criteria: (a) relevance and value for the Luxembourg financial sector (25%); (b) operational feasibility (25%); (c) design and technical implementation (20%); (d) inventiveness and originality (20%); (e) quality of Pitch (10%).
7.4. The Jury President is free to define the voting conditions for the Jury to select the winning Team (notably quorum, unanimity, overall majority or qualified majority voting, etc.). The Jury reserves the right not to select any winning Team if it considers that none of the Team’s Projects meet the award criteria.
7.5 The Jury will unilaterally decide the winning Teams of the Challenge (the “Winners”) based upon the ranking of the Projects. The selection of the Winners will be at the sole discretion of the Jury and is irrevocable and not open to objection or appeal.(8) Prizes
8.1. Prizes will be awarded to the Winners based on their ranking. - 1st prize: EUR 5.000,- (five thousand euros) cash envelope. - 2nd prize: EUR 3.500,- (three thousand five hundred euros) cash envelope. - 3rd prize: EUR 2.000,- (two thousand euros) cash envelope.
8.2. Winners will be published on the Website. Payment of any prize money awarded will be done within 1 month after the Challenge on the Team Bank Accounts of the respective Winners. Infrachain has no responsibility for how prize money or other prizes are distributed between the Participants of a Team or for any other disagreement between Participants of a Team.
8.3. Not applicable.
8.4. Members of the winning Team agree to authorize and comply with all verification regarding their identity and the accuracy of the information provided during the registration process.
8.5. Participants of a winning Team are responsible for any taxes they may need to pay in connection with the awarded prizes.(9) Data Protection
9.1 Each Applicant acknowledges and consents to provide the required personal data listed in clause 3 in order to have his or her application for the Challenge reviewed. If the Applicant does not wish to share any personal data, the Applicant’s registration shall not be completed.
9.2. By taking part in the Challenge, a Participant grants Infrachain and its Partners, the right (a) to use his/her first name, last name, country of origin, Team affiliation and any description of his/her Team’s Project; (b) to take his/her picture and film them; (c) to use and reproduce the images resulting from the photography/video filming for documentation, archiving, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the Challenge organisers’ aims. This might include (but is not limited to) the right to use them in online and printed marketing material, social media pages or press releases to promote the activities of Infrachain and those of its Partners. The recording, exploitation and distribution of the images may not give rise to any remuneration or financial consideration.
9.3. Images and videos constitute personal data. They are processed based on Applicants consent, which may be withdrawn at any time by contacting Infrachain at info@infrachain.com or directly during the Challenge.
9.4. All personal data collected in the course of the Challenge, including images and videos, is processed in accordance with Infrachain’s data protection notice available at https://infrachain.com/privacy.(10) Intellectual property rights
10.1. Each Participant expressly confirms that the Project provided by the Team during the Challenge is original and is the Team’s personal creation, that the Project had not been previously sold to a third party and that the Project does not violate intellectual property rights of any third party.
10.1. All Participants acknowledge and agree that the development of the Project is a Team effort and all intellectual property rights vested in the submitted Project shall stay with the Team (insofar there are no third party rights), unless: (a) all the Participants in a Team agree or agreed otherwise; or (b) the intellectual property rights are owned by another party/parties under applicable law.
10.2. By submitting their Project – e.g. the source code and accompanying documentation – on GIThub, each Team and individual Participant agrees and accepts that the Project and all intellectual property rights therein will be released under GNU AGPL license by the Team and therefore made available to the general public, unless (opt-out) the Team removes the submitted Project within 1 month after the Challenge from GIThub.
10.3. Infrachain or its Partners are not obliged to protect Participant’s ideas, works and results disclosed or generated during the Challenge.
10.4. By submitting the Project, the Team and each Participant in the Team grant Infrachain and its Partners an everlasting, irrevocable (worldwide) right and royalty-free licence to: (i) use, review, asses, test and/or otherwise analyse the Project and all its content in connection with the Challenge; and (ii) feature and use the Project and all its content for promotional purposes, in any way and in all media (including, but not limited to, in advertisements, press releases, presentations and trade shows).
10.5. Each Participant undertakes to indemnify entirely and hold harmless, without any limitation, Infrachain and its Partners against any liability, damages or litigation that may be brought by any third party in regard of this clause 10.(11) Use of datasets and software by Participants
11.1. Participants may be given access to software and datasets from Partners, including API’s (‘Application Programming Interfaces’) of the relevant Partners (the “Software”). The Partners may grant Participants the non-assignable, non-sub licensable and non-exclusive right to use the Software and/or the datasets, exclusively and only for the purpose and duration of the Challenge. Partners may have individual general conditions for the use of the Software and/or datasets. Partners are allowed to impose those and other (additional) conditions for the use of the Software and/or datasets, which conditions will prevail over these Participants Conditions in case of contradiction.
11.2. The intellectual property rights of the Software or datasets from Partners belongs to the respective Partners or their licensors at all times. Access to the Software or datasets shall not grant a Participant any intellectual property right regarding the Software or dataset.
11.3. The Software and dataset shall only be used by Participants for the development of a Project during the Challenge and shall not be shared with or provided to any third party. After the Challenge, Participants are prohibited to use, copy, open, or share – in any way – the Software and/or dataset with third parties, unless this third party has signed a separate written agreement in which the Partner who is the owner or licensor of the respective Software that the Participants gives permission to the Participant to use the Software. Contents in cache or stand-alone copies of Software should be destroyed within two weeks after the Challenge.
11.4. Each Participant is individually responsible for the safety and confidentiality of the Software and datasets it used during the Challenge.
11.5. Participant will inform, without any delay, the relevant Partner and Infrachain of any loss or unauthorized use of the Software or datasets, including any breach of these Participants Conditions.
11.6. It is not allowed to combine provided anonymous data with other software and or datasets in such a way that it may lead – directly or indirectly – to identification of individual persons/organisations.(12) Ethics
12.1. Participants must (a) behave in a professional manner, and treat all persons participating in the Challenge with respect and dignity; (b) not engage in any behaviour which is inappropriate, or make any racist, sexist or ageist remarks or other statements which may cause offence; and (c) not engage in any unlawful conduct.
12.2. Infrachain reserves the right to disqualify and exclude from the Challenge any Team or any Participant not complying with the principles in clause 12.1. or having cheated, deceived, faked or disturbed the Challenge or tried to do so.(13) Liability
13.1. In no event shall Infrachain or any of its directors, employees, Partners or contractors be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the participation of a Participant in the Challenge, unless such liability arises from gross negligence or intentional acts of Infrachain.
13.2. Infrachain reserves the right in its discretion, to (a) cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Challenge for any reason, at any time and without any liability, and (b) to limit or restrict participation in the Challenge. Infrachain will not be held liable for the modification, cancellation or suspension of the Challenge and no compensation or remuneration will be due to the Participants.(14) Acceptance of the terms and conditions
14.1. Registration, attendance and participation to the Challenge implies full acceptance without reserve, of the Terms and Conditions by Applicants and Participants.
14.2. Infrachain reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions any time, including the Challenge duration in case of operational imperatives, without prior notice to Participants regarding the enforcement or the validity of these amendments. The amended Terms and Conditions will be enforceable once published on the Website and any Participant shall be deemed to have accepted the amendments by the mere fact of his/her participation to the Challenge. Participants expressly waive all claims or disputes related to any amendment to the Terms and Conditions by Infrachain. Any Participant refusing the amendments made must cancel his/her participation to the Challenge in writing to the email address info@infrachain.com.
14.3. Elements and details of the Programme are subject to modification, suspension, and/or cancellation without notice and at Infrachain’s sole discretion.(15) Severability
12.1. In case one or more of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions should be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Any provision of these Terms and Conditions which is invalid, illegal or unenforceable shall, to the extent permitted by law, be deemed substituted by a provision that is valid, legal or enforceable, and of which the operation and effect is as similar as possible to the provision that it substitutes.
(16) Applicable law and dispute resolution
13.1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg.
13.2. Regarding any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Participants Conditions, parties shall try to reach agreement through amicable settlements. In case parties do not reach an agreement on the dispute, the dispute shall be exclusively settled by the competent court of the jurisdiction of Luxembourg.
Infrachain Tezos Challenge Powered by Telindus is a blockchain hackathon organised by Infrachain, in collaboration with Nomadic Labs, Telindus and Tezos.
2020-2023 - Infrachain © Copyrights