September 29th, 2023
- Why should I register a team from my company?
Participating as a company team will give you the opportunity to highlight your employees’ skills and your company’s expertise. Plus: the logo will be on our communication support and on the event website, providing great visibility to the company.
- Do you only accept company teams?
The Infrachain Challenge is open to company teams and non-company teams.
- How long does the competition last?
The Infrachain Challenge starts on Tuesday November 28th, 2023 at 9.00am and ends on Wednesday November 29th, June 2023 at 17.00 pm. That means a total of 30hrs. The presence of team members is required during the whole event, except between 8.00 pm on 28/11 and 8.00 am on 29/11. Teams may stay over night at the hackathon venue.
- When and where to register?
Each team must submit an application to register for the Challenge. Applications have to be made online. The application period starts on October 11th, 2023 and ends on November 19th, 2023.
- What information do I need when registering?
You need to provide the following details when registering your team:
- Name of the Team (for Company Teams, this must be the name of the company).
- Full name of the Team Captain.
- For each team member: first name, last name, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, dietary restrictions.
- Can I add or remove team participants after registration?
We understand that due to the vagaries of life you may want to change the composition of your team before the event. Changes are accepted under these conditions:
- The minimum and maximum number of team participants has to be respected.
- Since registrations are only valid after payment of the deposit, changes of participants can only be requested after the payment, too.
- Any change request needs to be submitted the latest on the registration deadline, i.e. November 8th .
- Why should teams have knowledge of the Luxembourg socio-economic environment?
As the challenge is related to the financial sector in Luxembourg, it makes a lot of sense to be familiar with how the Luxembourg financial players interact.
- Is participation free?
Yes, participation is free, but we ask for a deposit of EUR 500 per team to avoid no-shows. The deposit will be fully reimbursed if the team fully participates in the Challenge.
- Why is there a deposit?
Organising the Infrachain challenge takes a lot of effort and we want to make sure to have a maximum of participants. The deposit is to show that you’re serious about participating and to avoid no-shows.
- What is the selection process for teams?
Teams that meet the eligibility criteria are selected on a first come, first served basis. Infrachain will at its sole discretion decide whether a team possesses sufficient knowledge of the Luxembourg socio-economic environment and thus is eligible.
- How are the winners selected?
Projects are judged by a jury consisting of representatives of the Partners, complemented by experts in the field of Blockchain or other technology. Each Team must present a pitch.
The Jury will assess the Projects taking into account the following criteria:
(a) relevance and value for the financial sector in Luxembourg (25%);
(b) operational feasibility (25%);
(c) design and technical implementation (20%);
(d) inventiveness and originality (20%);
(e) quality of Pitch (10%).
NEW IN 2023: one jury member will be dedicated to evaluate criteria c).
- How will the pitch of the solution work?
The pitches will be held from 16.00 to 17.00 on November 29th . All teams will have to pitch their solution and will get free coaching sessions to prepare. Each pitch is allocated 5 minutes. You can either designate one team member to pitch your solution or present as a team. For the presentation, you will find the necessary equipment if you'd like to demo your solution on screen (HDMI interface). The focus of the pitch should be for the jury to understand and be able to assess your project based on the scoring criteria mentioned above.
- Is it possible to participate remotely in the Challenge?
No. All team members have to be present physically at the Challenge.
- Do I need to bring my own computer?
Absolutely. You need to bring any hardware and software that you think will be needed.
- Can I bring a screen?
Yes. Tables are spacious enough to accomodate all of your team's screens.
- What language can I use?
To communicate, document, present,… you will use English. To code... you will know which language to use ;-)
- Is there an Internet connection available?
Yes. A shared wireless connection is available to all participants. Private hotspots are not allowed.
- Will food and drinks be provided?
Yes. Lunches and dinner will be provided for all teams. Yummy snacks and drinks will be available all through the competition.
- Are power plugs available?
Yes, we’ll make sure there will be sufficient power plugs available.
- Where can I sleep?
If you don't mind sleeping in an office chair or on the floor, you can sleep at the venue ;-)
Infrachain Tezos Challenge Powered by Telindus is a blockchain hackathon organised by Infrachain, in collaboration with Nomadic Labs, Telindus and Tezos.
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